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Save the date: June 8th. Molecular diagnostic in cancer WORKSHOP

BASTION is keen to invite you for Molecular diagnostic in cancer WORKSHOP that will be held on June 8th 2015 at the Medical University of Warsaw.

This workshop will be focused on clinically oriented scientist and lab personnel that is involved in molecular diagnostics of cancer.
The speakers for this year edition of workshop will be: Dr Karin Schuetze from CellTool GmbH, Prof. Christer Ericsson, Dr Andreas Lennartsson and Dr Piotr Religa from Karolinska Institutet, Prof. Cezary Szczylik, Military Institute of Medicine in Warsaw and Prof. Jan Lubiński from Pomeranian Medical University.

For details please find the agenda:
June 8th AGENDA

Venue place:
Medical University of Warsaw
Księcia Trojdena 2a Street , Hall A

PLEASE REGISTER until June 1st:

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